I have been an Amazon.in customer since 2013 and it has been a pretty awesome 10 year journey with them. If I were to calculate how much I’ve spent on Amazon since opening my account, I will probably have a heart attack. But here goes nothing: 2013: Rs 38,054.55 – 6 items 2014: Rs 75,803.87 […]
Amazon India Kindle Coupon Code – Paperwhite / Voyage / Oasis
Looking for Amazon Kindle Coupon codes in India? Well, no further! We’ve got 3 coupons available for a Kindle Paperwhite or a Kindle Voyage or a Kindle Oasis. Amazon Kindle Coupon Codes (India) With these Kindle coupon codes you will save Rs 1000 on each purchase. What’s even better is that this can be clubbed […]
Amazon Now Review – Online Grocery Delivery India
/ — Food & Health, Online ShoppingAmazon Now is Amazon India’s version of the online grocery delivery business. Considering how Amazon India is one of the two front-runners in the e-commerce battle in India, it makes sense for them to try and step into the grocery delivery business, competing with Big Basket and Grofers. How does Amazon Now work? The model […]
Amazon Kindle Unlimited Review (India)
/ — GadgetsI have been a huge Kindle fan for the last 7-8 years, and thus, when Amazon launched the Kindle Unlimited program I should have been excited. Right? But I wasn’t. Paying writers on a per page basis sounded like capitalism gone wrong. Kindle Unlimited seemed to be celebrating writing that was long and meaningless and […]
Amazon (India) Kindle Review: Kindle vs Kindle Paperwhite vs Kindle Paperwhite 3G
/ — Gadgets, Online ShoppingI consider myself a Kindle connoisseur having had one or another for almost seven years now. My first Kindle was just called Kindle. It had a keyboard on the bottom and buttons on the side to flip through pages and no backlight. It connected through WiFi (no 3G) and I loved it dearly. It was the closest to […]